Saturday, June 25, 2011

Wait so there aren't any yodelers??

Today Beth and I decided to sleep in a little since we needed some rest, then we got ready and headed out to explore Bern. Our hostel is really nice so that is a definite plus. We got brunch and then went to the train station to check on times to leave for Munich tomorrow night. First of all, everything in Switzerland is crazy expensive. So most of the day we spent wandering around seeing sights, for free.

There are fountains everywhere. They are awesome especially because they pour out free, clean, cold, delicious water. This is the Anna fountain.

Clock Tower aka Zytglogge

Another fountain with the clock tower behind it

We went to Einstein's apartment where he lived when he was in Bern with his family for about 7 or 8 years. It was pretty cool and we learned a lot about Einstein. Did you know that he and his wife had an illegitimate child before they were married?? No one knows what happened to her....sketchy. 

Swiss flags

The water runs all around the main part of the city. It's really pretty.

Bern's official mascot is a bear. The Bern flag has a bear on it and they actually have real bears. They live right by the water so we walked over to say hello to them.

Bern bear

All the cars in Bern are super nice....because they all have sketchy Swiss bank accounts. Duu.


We made it to the Cathedral just in time for the wedding reception.

When we got to the Cathedral there was a wedding finishing up that was about to start a reception under tents right outside. Right next to the reception people were about to start a performance of Les Mis. 

Half Les Mis performance, half wedding reception. Strange.

After seeing the Cathedral, we had been walking most of the day and since it was our usual gelato time we needed a snack. So since there was no gelato we went to a big chocolate shop and got some Swiss chocolate. It was delicious. Afterwards we headed over to the Kultursprung (cultural festival) that was going on today to hang out. We thought the cultural festival would be the jackpot on finding some yodelers but sadly when we asked one of the girls working if there would be any yodelers she said it was more for other cultures, nothing "swissy" as she put it. But on the subject of yodelers this was not our first asking about the yodelers. We asked in our hostel and at the information desk by the bears and everyone looked at us strange and couldn't seem to find anywhere for us to see any. Sad day. We decided to enjoy the culture festival anyways and ended up having a great time when we met some locals that were really fun to talk to. They told us all about Switzerland and Bern, and gave us tips on places to eat, nightlight, and things to do. Of course, we had to ask about the yodelers and why we couldn't find any. The man's response was "Well if I come to the south could I actually find some cowboys?" Why yes, you could. 

After Kultursprug we went by the river to have drinks before dinner. I decided to save some money and just enjoy the scenery and the waiter got Beth's drink order wrong and gave her some alcohol free concoction of orange juice. At least the scenery was pretty!

Then we walked back and went to dinner because we really wanted to have cheese fondue. It was really good even though all it was was a fondue pot of cheese and bread (I ordered some potatoes). 

Ogre fountain

This is as close as we got to yodelers all day.

Town Hall

We walked around for a while after dinner and saw another church, town hall, and some more fountains. We decided to head in early and catch up on email and go to bed early. We have pretty much seen all there is to see in Bern so we are taking a day trip to Interlaken tomorrow before heading to Munich tomorrow night. There isn't tons to see and do in Bern but it is a nice resting spot. It is a really pretty town and has been fun to get away from all the tourists. Seriously I feel like I'm with all the locals. The only other tourists we have seen for the most part, except for a few here and there, we some big groups of Asians we saw taking picture of the bears and the river. It has been a good and relaxing day here in Switzerland!

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